Yerkaland Blog

The Family house

The Family house, 2019 (Polish title: Dom rodzinny) acrylic on canvas, 73 cm x 65 cm created for private collector on Oct 2019

Short history of the Civilization

Short history of the Civilization

New painting just released ! Short History of the Civilization, 2019 (Polish title: Krótka historia Cywilizacji) acrylic on canvas, 92 cm x 81 cm

Library Ammonite and others

New acrylic painting left Jacek Yerka atelier recently. Entitled ” Library Ammonite” (Amonit biblioteczny), it is quite large work measuring 81 x 92 cm. The painting will be offered on Agra-Art auction on June...

Gingerbread reef (pastel)

Pastel available for sale, 47 x 59.5 cm (exc. frame) pastel, papier, sygn. p.d. YERKA 16 Will be put on auction on March 28th 2017, at Agra-Art Auction House, lot # 76  

New projects added

Hello everybody, we just updated the projects section – some were removed, new added. Look and enjoy. If you want Jacek to create a painting upon one of presented sketches – please contact us....

Jacek Yerka Third day of creation

The Big Fish

The newest work: pastel “Third day of creation” available in store  

Jacek Yerka, Walking lesson

Busy Fall

There are often weeks or months, when we almost have nothing available of Jacek paintings. It is true – he paints a painting long, depending on complexity of project, size and , most importantly...